%0 Journal Article %T Attorney's Office in Old Assyrian and Anatolia %A Hasan Ali £¿ahin %J - %D 2018 %X £¿In the first quarter of Second£¿ millenium B.C., the Assyrians who settled in Anatolia and settled in about 40 cities and engaged in trade, settled their disputes in their own commercial institutions (k¨¡rum or wabartum). If these cases could not be settled in the city in question, this time it was sent to Kani£¿ k¨¡rum and resolved there. If Kani£¿ k¨¡rum could not be solved, he was sent to Assyria and gave the City Council decision in Assyria and this decision was saved in a document and sent to Anatolia through a lawyer. .It is also seen that the lawyer of the Assyrian city in the jurisdictions of K¨¹ltepe has witnessed some people in Anatolia and concluded the cases. %K Kani£¿ %K Asur %K karum %K avukat %U http://dergipark.org.tr/atdd/issue/42090/506342