%0 Journal Article %T Schools and Teachers From Teacher Cand£¿dates¡¯ View Point %A £¿brahim halil Yurdakal %J - %D 2018 %X In this study, it is aimed to determine the current physical and academic status of schools and their observations towards teachers in the schools they practice at. The research is structured in accordance with the situation pattern from qualitative research. The sample of the study consists of 8 teacher candidates who already take teaching practice course. Four of the candidates are women and 4 of them are men. Within the scope of the study, a course on teaching practice was conducted with students studying at a public university. The observation forms prepared by the researcher and distributed to the students before the application and the students were asked to observe the teachers. In addition, it was ensured that the physical status of the school and the checklists for the different classrooms and departments of the school were observed by the teacher candidates. Afterwards, the students were asked to convey their observations in a critical language including positive and negative situations. The views of the students were collected by the semi-structured interview form prepared by the researcher. According to the findings of the research, it was found that the physical conditions of schools were insufficient, the teachers observed symptoms such as anxiety and burnout, teachers followed the current curriculum regularly, did not apply physical violence to students, educational tools and media in the school were not used efficiently. In this context, school administrators should take into consideration the efficiency phenomenon and the academic context when planning school spaces and equipment %K Okul %K £¿£¿retmen %K £¿£¿retmen Aday£¿ %K G£¿zlem %K G£¿r¨¹£¿me %U http://dergipark.org.tr/uicd/issue/41464/465548