%0 Journal Article %T Mehmet Nadir in L¡¯£¿nterm¨¦d£¿a£¿re Des Math¨¦mat£¿c£¿ens Journal and His Solution to an Unsolved Quest£¿on for 11 Years %A Safiye Y£¿lmaz Erten %J - %D 2018 %X Mehmet Nadir is an important mathematician who lived between 1856-1927. Almost all of his studies in the field of mathematics are on number theory. Nadir's studies in mathematics can be listed under three headings; his articles published in the journals in £¿stanbul Dar¨¹lf¨¹nun Fen Fak¨¹ltesi Mecmuas£¿, his book named Hesab-£¿ Nazar£¿ and his questions and answers published in international journals. Mehmet Nadir is the first Turkish mathematician in the international mathematics research literature. A significant part of his international work has been published in the French journal named L¡¯Interm¨¦diaire des Math¨¦maticiens. His articles published in the journal L¡¯Interm¨¦diaire des Math¨¦maticiens, both quantitatively and qualitatively, were found worthy to be examined. 26 questions and 36 answers of Nadir were published in L¡¯Interm¨¦diaire des Math¨¦maticiens Journal between 1901 and 1914. Most of these questions and solutions are at the level of attracting even the mathematicians studying in the field of modern number theory these days. In particular, the solution of Nadir to the question that A. Boutin sent to the journal L¡¯Interm¨¦diaire des Math¨¦maticiens and remained unsolved for 11 years, is one of the original contributions Nadir made to the field of number theory %K Mehmet Nadir %K L¡¯Interm¨¦diaire des Math¨¦maticiens dergisi %K say£¿lar teorisi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/dortoge/issue/42658/514496