%0 Journal Article %T UNDERSTANDING IN THE PROBLEM OF LIMIT OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF JOHN LOCKE %J - %D 2018 %X In the philosophy of Locke, problem of limit of knowledge is about how understanding is used. Understanding is the source of human knowledge. Understanding for knowledge operates as sensation and reflection. According to Locke, problem of limit of knowledge does not arise when the source of knowledge is experimenting understanding. Experiment provides understanding operating without exceeding its power, limit, and capacity. Human does not obtain knowledge but which is not knowledge when he attempts to know by understanding without experiment. Obtaining which is not knowledge means going beyond the limit of knowledge. That is why, in the philosophy of Locke, understanding as being the source of nowledge determines the limit of knowledge. By making experiment the source of knowledge, understanding causes output of experiment to be excluded from knowledge. This is an effect of circumstance of using understanding in problem of the limit of knowledge. Consequently, understanding secures knowledge as being source of knowledge but at the same time limits it. This conclusion, obtained by using understanding in a philosophy in which experiment is assumed as the source of knowledge, is important %K Anlama Yetisi %K Deney %K D£¿£¿ Deney %K £¿£¿ Deney %K Bilginin S£¿n£¿r£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/asead/issue/41059/496331