%0 Journal Article %T Test£¿mony in £¿nterpretat£¿on of Ibn Ashur %A Abdullah Bedeva %J - %D 2018 %X As the Islamic religion spread over a large geography, Arabic language studies were initiated in order to prevent the corruption in the Arabic language. The Qur'an, Hadith, poetry and Arabic language were referenced in the works written within the framework of these studies and these were used as testimonials. The topic of testimony is important in determining the rules of the language, as well as in understanding and interpreting the Qur'anic verses accurately. Testimony, which was originally considered to be used to explain the strange words in Qur'an in the Companionship era, became common in later linguistic analyzes and interpretations of the verses. Testimony, which is one of the methods that are frequently used in philological interpretations, was also used in the interpretations by Ibn Ashur. The present study aimed to discuss the testimony methodology in the interpretations by Muhammad Tahir b. Ashur. In the study, we initially discussed the meaning of testimony, and Arabic resources of testimony. Then, we attempted to reveal the testimonial methodology of Ibn Ash£¿r by discussing the he utilized in the testimony technique %K Arap dili %K £¿bn ¡®£¿£¿£¿r %K £¿sti£¿had %K Metod %K £¿iir %U http://dergipark.org.tr/buifd/issue/38775/451331