%0 Journal Article %T Identification of Campylobacter Species in Poultry Meat Samples by Using Culture-Based Method and Mass Spectrometry %A Elif KEST£¿R %A Haydar £¿ZPINAR %J - %D 2018 %X Aim: Campylobacter is a microbiological family which is a natural member of intestine microflora causing enteridis and genital system infections. Especially, Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are the well-known ones as the major responsible for gastroenteridis in the human intestinal tractus. According to the act of infectious diseases surveillance and control principles, C. jejuni ve C. coli are included among the notifiable diseases and causative organisms in the Group D for the Public Health. Similarly, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also reported it as the notifiable diseases in the Global Foodborne Diseases 2007-2015. The objective of this study was to identify the Campylobacter species in a total of 100 raw poultry meat samples (50 chicken wing and 50 chicken drumstick) sold in Istanbul by using culture-based method and mass spectrometry. Method: The samples were initially exposed to pre-enrichment and selective enrichment. Subsequently, the suspected colonies were subjected to oxidase and catalase test. Oxidase and catalase positive isolates were then identified by using mass spectrometry. Findings: The mass spectrometry confirmed 2 C. jejuni and 1 C. coli in 3 samples (3%). Conclusion: Overall, our study revealed that the analyzed poulty meats were contaminated with Campylobacteriosis-associated Campylobacter species, and therefore posing a severe risk for food safety and public health, as well as indicating poor hygienic conditions. In addition, we showed that the traditional microbiological methods should be supported with contemporary instrumental analyses, in particular mass spectrometric method for the identification of Campylobacter species %K Campylobacter %K g£¿da g¨¹venli£¿i %K halk sa£¿l£¿£¿£¿ %K k¨¹mes hayvan£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/igusabder/issue/38973/412950