%0 Journal Article %T A Hybrid Security Scheme Proposal for Safe Data Transmission in Machine to Machine Communication Systems %A Cihan BAYRAKTAR %J - %D 2019 %X Industry 4.0 remains one of the most popular topics of recent times. Because of it has intelligent factory systems and machines that can manage the process by automatically communication among themselves, and intelligent products that arise, Industry 4.0 will remain in the area of the interest. However, one of the steps that should be given importance of the developments of Industry 4.0 is cyber security. Because, all parts in system communicate with infrastructure of the internet and be vulnerable against the cyber-attacks. It is essential to have the necessary cyber security measures for a safe industry 4.0 structure. In this study, a hybrid security scheme has been developed and have been controlled for the machine to machine communication (M2M) that is part of the industry 4.0. As a result of tests, have been determined that provide privacy, integrity and security of the data exchange among devices with developed scheme %K End¨¹stri 4.0 %K Makineden Makineye £¿leti£¿im %K Bilgi G¨¹venli£¿i %K Hibrit £¿ifreleme %K Veri Gizlili£¿i %U http://dergipark.org.tr/ijmsit/issue/43647/533987