%0 Journal Article %T A Different Approach to Electricity Caused Occupational Accidents: Prioritization of Accident Causes in Metal Industry %A Ay£¿e K¨¹bra HALICI %J - %D 2019 %X In this study, electrical accidents in the metal sector were examined; The causes of the accidents have been revealed. It was requested to put the causes of accidents at the priority of experts. At this stage, the analytic hierarchy process is used. Work related accidents usually ignored because of employees are called accident; actually it has been achieved the causes of the accidents are firstly design and equipment placement, and later administrative and business-based mistakes. The employee error is the last cause. It is aimed that causes which are put into groups within the hierarchical level according to the outcomes are guided in the risk assessment studies during the determination of term time by the team %K Elektrik kazalar£¿ %K Analitik hiyerar£¿i s¨¹reci %K i£¿ kazas£¿ %K metal sekt£¿r¨¹ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/kisgd/issue/46598/431670