%0 Journal Article %T One of The Ethic Problems in The Media: Gender Discrimination Sample News Analysis from Tabloid Media %A £¿zgehan £¿zkan %J - %D 2019 %X The question whether ¡°the media reflect the society, or the way how the media presents subjects shapes the public¡± is the main issue of communication researches. The theoretical approaches in this field accept the influence of the media on creating a public opinion. The media carries out a perception construction with the way it processes the subject matter. This also applies to the issue of deception in bilateral relationships. In the cheating news in the bilateral relationships of the well-known persons who are the subject of the magazine press, the subject is mainly presented as women-centered and the name of the man who has at least as much share as the woman in the said behavior is almost never mentioned. The male side of the subject is positioned as a passive, innocent ¡°figure¡± in a behavior model where the man does not have any initiative and whose rules the woman determines. The media's representation of the subject in this way results in the audience¡¯s / reader's judging of the woman in bilateral relationships and acceptance of the man as passive, quasi invisible. In other words, the media violates one of its most fundamental principles, ¡°informing the public impartially and accurately¡±. In relation to "Cheating", which is not a moral/ethical behavior and is a course of action that cannot be accepted by the society, the media mainly accuses the woman through the reporting style used in the news, opens the women's behavior to debate and publicly prepares a mental environment for the judgement of women. In this study, 3 sample cases which are on the agenda of the magazine media will be handled with the content analysis method supported by framing analysis and an evaluation on the media¡¯s partiality in the form of representation will be made %K Magazin %K Medya %K Cinsiyet ayr£¿mc£¿l£¿£¿£¿ %K Medya temsilleri %K Etik %K Aldatma %K Etik %U http://dergipark.org.tr/opus/issue/42322/524006