%0 Journal Article %T A MANUSCRIPT OF ¡®ABDULLAH BOSNAWI ABOUT THE LETTERS OF THE NAME ALLAH: ANALYSIS, EDITION AND TRANSLATION %A Ay£¿e Mine Akar %J - %D 2019 %X Mu£¿yidd¨©n Ibn al-¡®Arab¨©¡¯s (d. 638/1240) Fu£¿¨±£¿ al-£¿ikem is one of the most annotated works in the history of mysticism. In these commentaries, we see Muayyed al-Jand¨©¡¯s(d. 711/1311) work is about all the text of Fu£¿u£¿ and analiyses ¡®Arab¨©¡¯s metaphysical views. One of the subjects which Jand¨© deals in the introduction is the secrets andtruths of the letters of Allah. The author touches on the order in which the letters of this name correspond in which is accepted by Ibn al-¡®Arab¨©. Mu£¿ammed al-Baqq¨¡n¨©al-Sham¨© thought that Jand¨© was thinking differently from the Sheikh and asked the problem to ¡®Abdullah al-Bosnaw¨© who is known as ¡®Sh¨¡rih al-Fu£¿u£¿¡± in his period. Bosnaw¨© writed a treatise in Arabic for the explanation of the matter. In our study,we aimed to determine the views of Jand¨© and Bosnaw¨© on the subject and to revealthe critical edition of the manuscript %K Tasavvuf %K Allah ismi %K Bosnev£¿ %K Cend£¿ %K Konev£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/abuifd/issue/45593/551308