%0 Journal Article %T Explanation of the Theory of Absurdity by Monroe C. Beardsley with Examples from The Story "The Forgotten" by O£¿uz Atay %A Mehmet Akif DUMAN %J - %D 2019 %X Evaluating a story within the framework of the "absurdity theory" of metaphor requires questioning the text in comparison to reality and evaluating the position it has taken within the framework of its own reality versus reality. Thus, stories that include "dream" and "imagination" are very appropriate for explaining this theory. In the story "The Forgotten" by O£¿uz Atay, both levels were positioned one above the other, along with the continuity they create within. In emphasizing the differences between bending, breaking, knotting, and reshaping reality, we would have mentioned an important conceptual chaos in explaining the concept of "absurdity. %K Monroe C. Beardsley %K O£¿uz Atay %K abs¨¹rtl¨¹k %K metafor %U http://dergipark.org.tr/eeder/issue/44173/481086