%0 Journal Article %T The Usage of Digital Storytelling in Exploratory Data Analysis %A Fikret ER %A Halil Ery£¿lmaz %J - %D 2018 %X One of the essential courses of the programs opened at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of the universities is the statistics courses. In recent years, with the absorb of the importance of the big data organization by the business community, the need to provide the necessary input for the correct compilation, analysis and correct interpretation of the data has become even more evident. One of the techniques used to increase students' understanding of statistics and data analysis courses, which are defined as fearful dreams of university students, is digital storytelling. In this study, digital storytelling in exploratory data analysis, which deals with the first analysis of the data, is discussed and the results are explained. The students' perspectives on the method of digital storytelling and the gains they have achieved through this method are explained %K A£¿£¿klay£¿c£¿ Veri Analizi %K Fakt£¿r Analizi %K Dijital £¿yl¨¹leme %K Y¨¹ksek £¿£¿retim %K £¿statistik E£¿itimi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/iy/issue/34264/359909