%0 Journal Article %T The Approach of Imam Birgiv¨© to Tasawwuf and Ishari Ta¡¯wil from The Perspective of Tafsir of Surah al-Baqara %A Yunus Emre G£¿rd¨¹k %J - %D 2019 %X It was one of the most important characteristics of the Ottoman Empire that the Sufi tradition was adopted by the people through many large and small sects (tariqats). There is no doubt that tasawwuf itself has been the most dominant cultural code of the state-nation integration that kept the Ottoman Empire alive for six centuries. Within this framework, we can say that the part of the Ottoman scholars which is not related to the tasawwuf is almost absent in the general population. Imam Taqiyyudd¨©n Muhammad Birgiv¨© is the scholar who lived in the last part of period that known the ¡°Rising Period of the Ottoman Empire¡±. The author (muallif) produced works in many fields, especially Arabic Language and Fiqh, also has a tafsir covering the first ninety-eight verses of the Surah al-Baqara. It is understood that Birgiv¨©, like many other Ottoman scholars (ulamas), has highly benefited from the tasawwuf. His father¡¯s grandfather, Sheikh Lutfullah, is the caliph of Haci Bayram-£¿ Vel¨© one of the famous sufis. It is known that Birgiv¨© is also a member of the same tariqa (Bayramiyya). In this paper, ishari ta¡¯wils and sufi commentaries of Birgiv¨© are examined. Birgiv¨©, who strongly criticized the false sufis who abused the tasawwuf, especially stated that the members of the Ib¨¡hiyya were denialist and deviant. In this respect, it is seen that Birgiv¨©, who is supposed to be against to the tasawwuf (sufism) by some, has confirmed the true sufis and even influenced by the wahdat al-wujud, which is identified with the thought system of Ibn al-¡®Arab¨©. His stance on this issue means confirmation of ishari ta¡¯wil in tafsir. Moreover, this is a response to those who accuse the sufi mufassirs by being part of deviant B¨¡tiniyya %K Tefsir %K Birgiv£¿ %K Tasavvuf %K £¿£¿ar£¿ %K Te¡¯v£¿l %U http://dergipark.org.tr/amailad/issue/45383/579955