%0 Journal Article %T USE OF PROPANOL WITH DIESEL: EFFECTS ON FUEL CONSUMPTION AND EXHAUST EMISSIONS OF DIESEL ENGINE %A £¿brahim Aslan RE£¿£¿TO£¿LU %J - %D 2019 %X In this experimental study, the influences of propanol and diesel mixtures on direct injection single cylinder diesel engine fuel consumption and exhaust emissions were investigated. Volumetrically, 3% propanol - 97% diesel and 6% propanol - 94% diesel blends were used as test fuels. Fuel properties of the test fuels were analyzed and found different from those of diesel fuel. In comparison with diesel, viscosity, heating value, flash point, density and Cetane number decreased slightly. The engine tests were carried out at full load condition of the test engine. Specific fuel consumption values of the blend fuels showed decreasing trend. In general, exhaust emission values of the blends improved. CO and particulate emission values decreased up to 25.37% and up to 12.08%, respectively. NOx emission values with the blend fuels did not change, considerably %K Yanma %K Alkoller %K Dizel motor %K Egzoz emisyonlar£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/ngumuh/issue/42884/517141