%0 Journal Article %T The Importance of Consumption of Fish Meat in Early Childhood Period in Terms of Healthy Development %A Ebru YILMAZ %J - %D 2018 %X Early childhood period (0-8 years) is the fastest period of human development and is the most demanding period. This period covers the whole of the physical, mental and social developments. There are three main factors that influence these development types. They are nutrition, environment and education. The importance of nutrition in child development starts in the womb, and it also continues after the birth. During the period of pregnancy, every nutrient that has a place on the mother's own diet also has an indirect effect on the baby. This situation also continues during the postpartum breastfeeding period. Protein-based foods should always be found in the children's nutrition programs during the period of supplementary food and afterwards. The fish is a highly nutritional food source and is also an excellent source of nutrition for the babies. It's a food that is extremely rich in omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids in the fish are considerably beneficial for babies' brain development. The fish is also rich in iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium. These minerals are also very advantageous in the development of the baby. The fish is a protein source with high nutritional value because of its vitamin, mineral and fat contents, in addition to being easily accessible in our country, whose three sides are surrounded by the sea, and whose water resources are fairly rich. Our country's waters are also rich in fish species and the fish prices are suitable for every budget size. In this study, the importance of consuming fish meat during the early childhood period, where the basis of a healthy life is constituted, in terms of healthy development has been investigated %K Bal£¿keti %K erken £¿ocukluk d£¿nemi %K geli£¿im %U http://dergipark.org.tr/egirdir/issue/36733/405244