%0 Journal Article %T The effect of central leader training system on growth, yield and quality in peaches %A Dilek Soysal %J - %D 2018 %X The study was carried out to determine the effect of central leader training system on growth, yield and quality in peaches at Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute in 2011-2015. In the experiment Redhaven / peach seedling and Elegant Lady / seedling combinations were used as materials. The nursery trees were planted in February 2011. In the trial, central leader system was compared with goblet in peaches. Some tree growth traits of examined combinations such as tree diameter, tree length, crown of length and tree volume were determined. Some fruit properties of them such as fruit weight and total soluble solid were also determined. The results have been observed to be better than Goble system %K £żeftali %K Terbiye sistemleri %K A£ża£ż geli£żimi %K Verim %K Meyve kalitesi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/omuanajas/issue/35129/395367