%0 Journal Article %T Common Dermatological Diseases of the Neonate %A Nurullah OKUMU£¿ %J - %D 2018 %X Abstract The neonate skin, which provides communication with the outer environment both during intrauterine period and also after birth has vital functions such as thermoregulation,mechanical resistance, maintaining fluid-electrolyte balance and protection against external factors. These functions are provided by some ongoing changes and development process in the first 2 years of life. There can be some temporary changes and problems of theskin during the birth and the progressing period. Most of these issues are temporary or physiological dermatoses which are benign in nature and generally disappears as the completi-on of skin maturation. However, some skin disorders although they are the reason of serious morbidity and mortality, may resemble benign clinical situations in this period. Dermatological skin examination of newborn has vital importance in early diagnosis and treatment of congenital diseases and in differentiating between dermatoses which is temporary, benign, or does not require treatment; conditions due to neonatal distress such as postmaturity and anoxia and severe diseases that require treatment %K yenido£¿an %K deri %K dermatoz %U http://dergipark.org.tr/ktah/issue/47239/593565