%0 Journal Article %T SOCIAL MEDIA ENTREPRENEURSHIP %A Berat £¿i£¿ek %J - %D 2018 %X Contrary to popular belief, social media has influenced not only the way of communication among people but also many different avenues. One of them has been entrepreneurship. By means of this medium, a new way of doing business has emerged; in view of that, any individual has the opportunity to do business from where he/she is, without the need for any structure, any high investment, or any high risk. In this study, it is aimed to examine this new entrepreneurial phenomenon named as social media entrepreneurship. Thus, how the social media entrepreneurship differs from some other types of entrepreneurship has been elaborated, and the problematic of why those individuals involved in such entrepreneurial activity should be called the social media entrepreneurs have been accentuated. It is also aimed to present a model proposal for social entrepreneurs as well as introducing an academic perspective for this new type of entrepreneurship %K Sosyal Medya %K Giri£¿imcilik %K Sosyal Medya Giri£¿imcili£¿i %U http://dergipark.org.tr/ictimaiyat/issue/37177/417271