%0 Journal Article %T An AHP-Weighted Grey Relational Analysis Method to Determine the Technical Characteristics¡¯ Importance Levels of the Smartphone %A Erdal Aydemir %A Yusuf £¿ahin %J - %D 2019 %X Grey Relational Analysis is a research tool used as part of the grey system theory to show the relationship between factors and variables. In many production processes, to ensure customer satisfaction, product specifications are prioritized, then customer requirements are taken into account and improvements are made. In this study, AHP - weighted grey relational analysis method was used to evaluate the importance levels of smartphone technical features and to guide smartphone manufacturers especially in design decisions. Grey relational degrees were determined for the relationship between customer requirements and technical specifications, and then the weighted average method was used to determine the significance of the technical characteristics. As a result, among the ten technical features examined, it was determined that the highest level of importance was the screen size and the lowest was the storage capacity. Smart phone manufacturers to take this order into account when developing products will increase the level of customer satisfaction %K Gri £¿li£¿kisel Analiz %K Analitik Hiyerar£¿i Prosesi %K Ak£¿ll£¿ Telefon %U http://dergipark.org.tr/oguiibf/issue/44886/486920