%0 Journal Article %T IMPLICATIONS OF INSIDER AND OUTSIDER CEOs ON FIRM PERFORMANCE: EVIDENCE FROM CEO SUCCESSIONS FROM TURKEY %A Aylin Ataay %J - %D 2018 %X This study investigates the performance consequences of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) succession in an emerging market as prior research suggests that the differences in the performance implications of CEO successor¡¯s origin may be related to the distinctive contexts offered by these economies. Hence, we investigated the impact of a new CEO origin on firm profitability in Turkey for the years 2010 and 2011. The results showed that there is a positive association between outsider successors and post-succession profitability in listed companies in Turkey. Further, the effects of unrelated and related outside succession on post-succession firm performance differ. While the related outsiders affect negatively the firm performance, unrelated outsiders contribute positively to the post-succession profitability (ROA). These findings thus contribute to the existing CEO succession literature by emphasizing the value of outsider CEOs¡¯ fresh perspectives, new and diverse skills and initiative for change %K Genel M¨¹d¨¹r de£¿i£¿imleri %K £¿irket d£¿£¿£¿ halefler %K firma performans£¿ %K geli£¿en ¨¹lkeler %U http://dergipark.org.tr/makuiibf/issue/41626/417482