%0 Journal Article %T Cerebral Oximetry and Applications Under Anesthesia %A Erkan Cem £¿EL£¿K %J - %D 2018 %X Cerebral oximetry assesses the average regional tissue oxygenation of the transcutaneous membrane over the frontal cortex. The transmitter operates on the basis of detection of the diodes from the diodes. Cerebral oxymetry has been described more than 30 years ago. It has not been routinely used in clinical operations but applied in special clinical conditions during the last two decades. It is a monitarisation technique which uses noninvasive near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Different studies have shown benefical results with cerebral oxymetry in cardiac surgery, hypotensive surgery and patients with long-term follow-up at trendelenburg position for assessing cerebral tissue oxygen levels %K Oksimetre %K Kardiyak Cerrahi %K Hipotansiyon %U http://dergipark.org.tr/iuitfd/issue/36453/365658