%0 Journal Article %T Bolshevik Administratio n in Turkestan by Georg£¿ I. Safarov¡¯s Determinations, a socialist leader %A Tekin Tuncer %J - %D 2018 %X When examining into 20th century-Russian history, we encounter this period (era) for the Russians as a century of the revolutions. In this century when socialist ideologies were predominant, the 1905 Revolution and following it, the February and the October Revolutions in 1917 were experienced. Georgi I. Afarov, who is main subject of our study, took part within socialist groups in his still younger age and is one of important characters who succeeded in taking part among leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution. In this study we set out by following historical chronology, after determining Safarov¡¯s place, we will try to present policies, which were implemented by the Soviet Russians among who Safarov was also present, upon Turkestan by Safarov¡¯s determinations, again a Soviet leader %K Safarov %K Tš¹rkistan %K £¿£¿gal %K Bol£¿evik %K Lenin %K Stalin %K Y£¿netim. %U http://dergipark.org.tr/atdd/issue/37307/431121