%0 Journal Article %T Globalization, Transnational Migration and Associations %A Meryem Bulut %A Seher £¿atalo£¿lu %J - %D 2018 %X This study was conducted with Kirkuk Turkmens migrating into Istanbul from Iraq. It was performed in the period between 2014 and 2017. The study was conducted in participatory observation and in-depth interview technique. Reflexive paradigm was adopted in this study. It was found in this study that the movement to Istanbul had the properties of internal migration rather than of external migration although it seemed to be an external migration. Associations and relatives are the key elements in establishing and preserving the ties between countries. The relatives in the country of origin and in the country of migration cause transnational migration with the explicit effects of communicative and transport instruments. Thus, the migrating individuals or groups lead their life without breaking their ties with neither of the countries. Associations, another network of immigrant relations, both support the life in the country of migration and keep the memory in the country of origin alive and build the memory, and they play important roles in re-determining the boundaries. Institutions building memory take on active roles in transforming nation state nationalism into postmodern nationalism. Globalisation increases migration movements and consequently it changes the boundaries of nation states which we know by heart. The visibility of the principle of indeterminism of post-modern thought on the boundaries coincides with the concept of migration %K Irak %K Kerk¨¹k %K T¨¹rkmen %K K¨¹reselle£¿me %K D£¿£¿ G£¿£¿ %K Dernek %U http://dergipark.org.tr/uicd/issue/41464/487240