%0 Journal Article %T The Return of ISIS from Caliphate to a Terrorist Organization %A Sarkan Salman Abubaker %J - %D 2019 %X 1980s are remembered for the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan and it is also the period when Islamic jihad organizations that act with the most r adical Islamic m o- vements like Salafism emerged. In this period, many Salafist groups and organizations declared jihad creating a global front first against Soviet Union then against USA and Western countries. Later on, the Islamic State organ i- zation (also known as ISIS) had taken its first steps in 1999 which has later become the most dangerous and outrageous terror organization in the world in recent years with the help of Al - Qaeda¡¯s founder Usame Bin Ladin who was the leader of this global front. ISIS bel ieved that there is not a single Muslim State in the world existed and aimed to start a khilafat movement first in Middle East then in the whole world. After 2003 Iraq Invasion, ISIS emerged in the region. In 2011 and in the ongoing period, it managed to e stablish khilafat after invading a wide area including western regions of Iraq and eastern side of Syria. Besides, ISIS has become a threat that spreads fear not only in the regions it has been ruling, but also in all over the world in terms of manpower, m ilitary sufficiency, financial resources and propaganda as a result of its inv a- sions. This study investigates the period between 2003 to 2017, when ISIS established khilafat which was an impo r- tant period in Iraq¡¯s political history and, it analyses the imp ortance of local conditions for the organization¡¯s emergence, its gathering such strength and its expa n- sion.After that, the last stage of the organization has been mentioned by discussing how the states have implemented a strategy against ISIS %K I£¿£¿D %K £¿slam Devleti %K Irak %K Suriye %K Mezhep %K Mezhepsel Sava£¿ %K Ter£¿r %K Ter£¿rizm %U http://dergipark.org.tr/lectio/issue/47494/584340