%0 Journal Article %T Halil Fikret Kanat¡¯s Two Articles in Muallimler Mecmuas£¿ (Journal of Teachers): Mekteplerimizin Yeni Te£¿kilat£¿ Hakk£¿nda I-II (About the New Organization of Our Schools I-II %A Hayr¨¹nisa ALP %J - %D 2018 %X Halil Fikret Kanat, who has an important role in the establishment of modern education in Turkey is one of the valuable personalities in the history of Turkish education. He wrote his ideas on almost every subject related to education such as educational psychology, teaching methods and curricula, educational sociology, history of education, public education, educational philosophy, new school, democracy education, school councils¡¯ project, constructivist education. Although his writings on the periodicals penned after the 1928 Alphabet Revolution were brought together, many of his articles in Ottoman Turkish were kept in the dusty shelves of history. The purpose of this study is to publish the articles entitled ¡°Mekteplerimizin Yeni Te£¿kilat£¿ Hakk£¿nda I ve II (About the New Organization of Our Schools I and II)¡± in today¡¯s alphabet, describe the short biography of the author and make a short analysis of the opinions of Halil Fikret Kanat about the school organization of the period %K Halil Fikret Kanat %K E£¿itim %K Okul Te£¿kilat£¿. %U http://dergipark.org.tr/iuydta/issue/41516/502216