%0 Journal Article %T Victim-Centred Approach to Imprisonment: Restorative Justice %A Harun I£¿IK %J - %D 2018 %X The penal system has been under the influence of particularly three main philosophies: retributive approach, utilitarianism and restorative justice. Retributive rationale having crime-centred outlook defended pure punishment. It grounds on offence and severity of it in the punishment to be given the crime. As a result of the search for solutions to increased crime and number of criminals, retributive approach gave its place to utilitarianism. It focused on criminal centred point of view instead of crime-centred outlook. After utilitarianism, the imprisonment has been adopted to the penal system since 17th century. The rehabilitation of prisoners came into question with this theory and this was introduced in the UK in the last quarter of the 18th century, especially as a religious based. Different rehabilitation activities have been implemented in the course of time as a reflection of this understanding. The constant increase in the number of crimes and criminals brought about the searching of the reduction and prevention of crime, as a result of this, the restorative justice was practiced in the penal system of developed countries such as the United States , the United Kingdom and Canada after 1980. It has a victim-centred structure rather than crime or criminal centred and is focused on correcting the relationship between the offender and the victim with different programmes. Restorative justice has brought new concepts into the justice system such as responsibility, repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, restitution, restoration and compensation. In this paper has been analysed the philosophy of imprisonment focusing on three central approaches, especially restorative justice %K Ceza sistemi %K cezaland£¿r£¿c£¿ yakla£¿£¿m %K faydac£¿ teori %K onar£¿c£¿ adalet %K su£¿ %K su£¿lu %K ma£¿dur %U http://dergipark.org.tr/duhfd/issue/41058/496299