%0 Journal Article %T The Relationship Between Globalization and Terrorism: The Measures Taken Against International Terrorism %A Emil Zamanl£¿ %J - %D 2019 %X There is no existing consensus on the concept of terrorism that has been accepted internationally. Some people who are considered to be terrorists can be regarded as freedom fighters by others. This dispute against the idea of terrorism prevents the preparation of a comprehensive and general international agreement on the fight against terrorism. While the world is shrinking due to the effect of modernization, technology, communication, and transportation, terrorism has become widespread, globalized, and its density and frequency have increased. Globalization has begun to provide convenience to terrorism and has helped to prevent it due to its positive effects. In the developing and changing world, the importance of international unity and law has increased with the military and diplomatic means that have continued to fight terrorism. The most important part of the war on terror which cannot be removed entirely is the legal rules, sanctions, and punishments to be prepared with strong cooperation on the international scene. The continuity of this cooperation is of utmost importance as well as the dissemination and strengthening of cooperation %K Ter£¿rizm %K Uluslararas£¿ Ter£¿rizm %K Asimetrik Tehditler %K K¨¹reselle£¿me %K Uluslararas£¿ Ter£¿rizme Kar£¿£¿ £¿l£¿¨¹ler ve £¿abalar %U http://dergipark.org.tr/atdd/issue/44170/545728