%0 Journal Article %T FEMICIDE IN TURKEY IN LAST TEN YEARS: CAUSES, CONSEQUEENCES AND SUGGESTIONS %A Sait YILDIRIM %J - %D 2018 %X Women murders have continued to be a significant social problem in Turkey. Effects of tendencies of violence and aggression are seen in the basis of these murders. For this reason, psychological dimension of violence is determinant in murders. Aggression tendency transforms into murder by developing cumulatively. Current aggressive behaviours in the individual must primarily be discussed while women murders are studied. Theoretical studies on individual psychological basis of violence and aggression tendencies are mentioned in this study. Aggression typologies of Erich Fromm and Sigmund Freud are considered theoretically significant. In this study case study method is preferred. Women murders committed in Turkey in last ten years are researched as part of the study. 1260 cases of total 2380 women murders are researched. In addition to get reliable information in researched cases, basic reference point is eventuation of the cases in terms of quantity, quality, murder type and reasons. Characteristics of perpetrator, way of killing, reason and relation between murderer and victim should be considered. It is observed that women are generally killed by people who they usually spend time together. Firearms are intensively used in murders. Restriction of men from freedom and men¡¯s losing authority over women are significant factors in murders. In this study solution offers are presented by determining common points over the reasons of murders. It is tried to be focused on individual armament and long term murder preventive policies in murders towards women. The purpose of the study is to propose solutions in the light of theoretical studies by making case study over committed women murders %K Kad£¿n cinayetleri %K £¿iddet %K sald£¿rganl£¿k %K bireysel silahlanma %K Erich Fromm. %U http://dergipark.org.tr/mecmua/issue/40853/448868