%0 Journal Article %T Traces of Puerperal Syndrome (al ana/alkar£¿s£¿/albast£¿) on Anc£¿ent Near East Soc£¿ety Cultures: a Fact of L£¿l£¿th %A Elvan Eser %A Yusuf K£¿l£¿£¿ %J - %D 2018 %X Mankind tried to attach meaning to the events and phenomena through religious beliefs when they could not prove them by their mental power and life experience. However, some of the beliefs that are accepted as religious principles or practices that have penetrated into the self-culture have found no response on the path predicted by reason. However, some of the beliefs that are accepted as religious principles or practices which penetrated into the self-culture have found no response on the path the mind proposed. Nevertheless, such beliefs and practices which are described as superstitious influenced the whole society or individuals. In this context, the formation of perceptions regarding superstitions perception and its progress to the present day constitute the main purpose of our study. In order to accomplish this, the subject will be investigated in general terms, and in particular, the puerperal syndrome will be the focus. Additionally, effecting the puerperal mother and new born, the puerperal syndrom¡¯s relationship with the mythological thought and especially with the legend of Lilith will be investigated. Next, the arise of the legend of Lilith in the cultures of ancient Near East societies and how and why this legend manifested itself in the doctrine of Judaism to preserve its existence will be examined. Finally, why this belief which we see today as superstition is accepted as a reality for humanity for millennia will be under investigation %K Lohusal£¿k Sendromu %K Eski£¿a£¿ Yak£¿ndo£¿u K¨¹lt¨¹rleri %U http://dergipark.org.tr/atdd/issue/42090/506339