%0 Journal Article %T EXAMINATION OF STORY BOOKS IN TERMS OF THEIR SUPPORTIVENESS OF SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES %A Aysel Tš¹FEKC£¿ AKCAN %A Emine S£¿LD£¿R %J - %D 2018 %X The purpose of this study is to examine the supportiveness of picture storybooks used in pre-schools in regard to the learning outcomes and indicators of the social-emotional development domain within the 2013 Pre-school Education Program of the Ministry of National Education. In this study, 300 storybooks, each consisting of only one story and used in the book center of 22 different schools in the city center of Amasya, were examined. For this purpose, the Book Content Information Form and the Book Imprint Form, developed by the researchers, were used. The data were analyzed by calculating the percentage and frequency values. Consequently, it was observed that the rate of representation of the learning outcomes and indicators of social emotional development domains in story books varied and that while some learning outcomes were represented at a high level, others were represented at a very low level %K Okul £¿ncesi e£¿itim %K Resimli hikaye kitab£¿ %K Sosyal-duygusal geli£¿im %K MEB 2013 Okul £¿ncesi E£¿itim Program£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/etad/issue/37928/376797