%0 Journal Article %T An Analytical Study of Shabbir Ahmed Usmani¡¯s "Fathul-Mulhim bi sharhi Sahihil-Imam Muslim" %A Erdin£¿ AHATLI %A Inam ul HAQ %J - %D 2018 %X The second most robust collection of Prophet Muhammad¡¯s (PBUH) sayings, actions, and silent confirmations is the book of Imam Muslim known as £¿a£¿¨©£¿ Muslim. Since its inception, scholars started working on the target book. Amongst these exercises commentaries hold significant position. Between contemporary written commentaries, the commentary of a Pakistani scholar Shabbir A£¿mad £¿Uthm¨¡n¨© i.e. Fat£¿ al-Mulhim is an outstanding piece of writing from different aspects. The work is an incomplete commentary written until Kit¨¡b al-nik¨¡£¿ by a £¿anaf¨© scholar, and then it is completed by Mu£¿ammad Taq¨© £¿Uthm¨¡n¨© who is a scholar from the same school of thought. This research article analyzes the content of the commentary, methodology and references used in the Fat£¿ al-Mulhim %K £¿ebb£¿r Ahmed %K Sah£¿h-i M¨¹slim £¿erhi %K Fethu¡¯l-m¨¹lhim %U http://dergipark.org.tr/sakaifd/issue/37577/417644