%0 Journal Article %T EVALUATION OF FLUVIAL PROCESSES AND FORMATION OF DRAINAGE NETWORK WITH MORPHOMETRIC INDICES IN DILDERESI BASIN (KOCAEL£¿) %A MURAT UZUN %J - %D 2019 %X There is a closely relationship between geomorphological formation, development processes and the establishment, development of drainage network. Factors such as fluvial processes, tectonism and structure affect the geomorphological structure of the basins and the drainage network. This allows us to learn about the relationship between the geomorphological evolution of the basins, the types of drainage networks and topography. This morphological structure and the effects of the processes can be interpreted by the numerical values obtained by the morphometric analysis. In this study, Dilderesi Basin, which is located in the Kocaeli Plateau and which mostly flows in the north-south direction, has been investigated. In the research, the boundaries of the basin and the geological, geomorphological and hydrographic characteristics were determined through the DEM data transferred to the ArcGIS program. In addition to this, morphometric indices were applied for better explanation of the drainage network with the geomorphological structure of the basin. Morphometric index results and previous researches, maps and field studies were analyzed and evaluated. As a result of the information obtained, the Dilderesi basin had a topographic view close to the maturity stage, however, it was found that drainage lines were far from being fully mature in profile due to lithological differences and active tectonics. In addition, asymmetric structure was found in the upper and lower parts of the basin, tectonism was observed in the valleys. Although there is generally a dendritic drainage network in the basin, different drainage types can be seen due to many factors in morphological development %K Morfometrik £¿ndis %K Drenaj £¿zellikleri %K Havza Jeomorfolojisi %K Fl¨¹yal S¨¹re£¿ler %K Dilderesi %K Dilderesi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/igge/issue/47105/573354