%0 Journal Article %T A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH BASED ON SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS¡¯ PERCEPTIONS ON TEACHER LEADERS %A Metin I£¿IK %A £¿sa BAHAT %J - %D 2018 %X Addressing teacher leadership within the context of teacher training and development in the 21st century is considered as a significant issue in terms of the contribution of the same to the issue of training qualified teachers and education system. The contemporary educational leadership, which focuses on learning and self-improvement, is bringing about the leadership of the teacher with the understanding that every teacher is a leader today. Teacher leaders, who tend to learn and develop themselves constantly under the leadership of teacher, transfer good practices to the other teachers. ¡¯the objective of this study is to analyze the perspective/view point of teachers of school administrators on teacher leadership within our education system. The study group of the research consists of 15 school administrators. Semi-structured interview technique was used as data collection method. In the analysis of qualitative data, content analysis was done and categories and themes were created. As a result of the analysis of qualitative findings, school administrators' perceptions and thoughts about teacher leadership were analyzed. As a result of the content analysis of the data obtained working, three themes were reached. These themes are called Personal and Professional Development, Management and Training Manager and School and Environment Interaction %K £¿£¿retmen Liderli£¿i %K £¿£¿retmen Lider %K Ki£¿isel ve Mesleki Geli£¿im %K Y£¿netim ve E£¿itim Y£¿neticisi %K Okul-£¿evre Etkile£¿imi. %U http://dergipark.org.tr/inesj/issue/40042/476210