%0 Journal Article %T DEVELOPMENT OF A LEISURE LITERACY SCALE WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF ADULT EDUCATION: VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY STUDY %A Sibel ARSLAN %J - %D 2018 %X The present study aims to develop a measuring tool that can measure the leisure literacy level of university students in a valid and reliable way while it is also in congruence with the principles of the adult education. The sample of the study comprised a total of 869 students who studied in the Faculty of Sports Sciences in K£¿r£¿kkale University in the 2016-2017 Academic Year. The emerging factors were named ¡®the basic leisure literacy¡±, ¡°functional leisure literacy¡±, and ¡°actional leisure literacy¡±. The structure obtained by means of the Exploratory Factor Analysis was then put through the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and it was seen that the structure with 21 item sand three factors pertaining to theLeisure Literacy Scale obtained by omitting five items had adequate fit indices. Based on those findings, it has been determined that the Leisure Literacy Scale is a tool of measurement that can produce valid and reliable measurements, that it can be used for measuring the level of leisure literacy of university students, who have just entered the adulthood, and that the scale that has been obtained is in congruence with the principles of the adulte ducation %K Serbest Zaman Okuryazarl£¿£¿£¿ %K ¨¹niversite £¿£¿rencileri %K £¿l£¿ek Geli£¿tirme %K Serbest Zaman Okuryazarl£¿£¿£¿ £¿l£¿e£¿i %K Yeti£¿kin E£¿itimi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/inesj/issue/40042/476225