%0 Journal Article %T Differential Diagnosis Between Pedophilia and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Case Report %A Psikolog Ceylan KORKMAZ BEK£¿RO£¿LU %J - %D 2018 %X Abstract Pedophilia is defined as sexual interest for pre-adolescent children. Repeat rates ofpedophilic behavior are very high. Diagnosis is clinically meaningful and treated if the individual behaves according to these fantasies, or if these fantasies cause significant distress and they create difficulties in important functions. Obsessive Compulsive Disor-der (OCD) is a discomfort with obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions and compulsions are ego-dsytonic and they cause significant anxiety and distress. It seems that these two discomforts, which are different from each other, share the obsessive thoughtsand compulsive rituals in common. Our case has been reviewed for the diagnosis, con-sidering the clinical features of these disorders %K Pedofili %K obsesif kompulsif bozukluk %U http://dergipark.org.tr/ktb/issue/47548/599714