%0 Journal Article %T An Alternative Experimental Activity Based on the Prediction-Observation-Explanation Strategy about Magnetism and Opinions of the Physics Teachers %A G£¿khan SONTAY %A Hidayet TEREC£¿ %A Orhan KARAMUSTAFAO£¿LU %J - %D 2018 %X The aim of this research is to develop an experimental activity based on the POE (Predictive-Visual-Explain) strategy on the magnetism involved in the physics teaching program belonging to the 11th grade and present it to the use of physics teachers and take their opinions. The purpose of this activity is to understand the relationships between concepts or concepts such as magnet, alternating current, electromagnetic induction, magnetic field. This activity will improve students' cognitive, emotional and psychomotor skills and gain scientific process skills. This descriptive study has been carried out by a phenomenology research method. The activity plan and experiment videos prepared according to the POE strategy were shared with 12 physics teachers. Teachers practiced experiment activity in the direction of the activity plan and experiment videos. Semi-structured interviews were held with teachers on the activity. From the data obtained, it was understood that 62% of the teachers did not exacly the same this experiment activity at all in the teaching of the relevant subject. At the end of the study, it has been reached that this activity can be applied easily, students can draw interest, help to understand the concepts related to magnetism and all teachers can benefit from this experiment on magnetism %K Fizik £¿£¿retimi %K TGA %K Manyetizma %K Deney etkinli£¿i %K £¿£¿retmen g£¿r¨¹£¿leri %U http://dergipark.org.tr/gebd/issue/36652/417190