%0 Journal Article %T ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH LESSON CONTENTS APPLIED IN THE UNIVERSITIES THAT PROVIDE PILOTAGE AND AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER TRAINIG IN TURKEYACCORDING TO ICAO LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY CRITERIA %A Mehmet Emin Uslu %J - %D 2018 %X When the events that led to the accidents in the field of aviation were examined, communication problems of the flight crew and air traffic controllers resulting from insufficient level of English seem to have an important role. In many aviation accidents and incidents, concerns about the role of communication have been expressed for a long time. On ICAO Accident / Incident Data Reporting System (ADREP) database, "language barrier" is shown as a factor for many fatal or nonfatal accidents. Within this scope, the ICAO Council set out language competency criteria in March 2003 and the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements Guide which contains various provisions relating to language proficiency training and testing was published in 2004. According to these criteria, pilots and air traffic controllers must have at least Operational Level 4 English level in order to have necessary skills so that they can handle from routine to emergency and non-routine situations. On 18 February 2011, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (SHGM) enforced the regulation that all pilots and air traffic controllers need to pass the Operational Level 4 exam. The aim of this research is to analyze the English lesson contents applied in higher education institutions that provide education in the field of pilotage and air traffic control in Turkey within the scope of the language proficiency criteria set by ICAO. The research data were collected through the document review which is one of the qualitative research methods and analyzed by content analysis. While the target population of the research is the higher education institutions that provide education in the field of aviation in Turkey, the institutions that provide pilot and air traffic controller training constitute the sampl %K Uluslararas£¿ Sivil Havac£¿l£¿k £¿rg¨¹t¨¹ (ICAO) %K dil yeterlilik kriterleri %K Operasyonel Seviye (Seviye 4) %K i£¿erik odakl£¿ £¿ngilizce m¨¹fredat£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/suhad/issue/44810/557341