%0 Journal Article %T AN AESTHETIC STUDY FOR THE RHETORIC OF QATARI IBN AL FUJAˇŻA %A MUSTAFA MAWAS %J - %D 2018 %X Rhetoric is an important prose art that appeals to a particular audience in order to convey specific ideas and meanings from the preacher to this audience. So the type of sermon (khutbah) varies according to the audience and the desired purpose. We find political, religious, cultural discourses and so on. The sermons are usually characterized by its shortness of sight, being easy to receive without bothering the recipient. Therefore, the preachers refrain from exaggerating and tend to give briefness and shortness. The Khatib must have several qualities, notably: good knowledge and pronunciation, loud voice, strength of attendance, self-confidence, looking at all the addressees without focusing on a particular point, experience of speech in terms of toning sentences according to the subject presented. In this study, a speech belonging to one of the heads of the Azareqa squad and one of their heroes, Abou NaˇŻaamah Ibn Al FujaˇŻa will be examined, which was also referred to Ali bin Abi Talib. On this context we will study the stylistic characteristics of this sermon and the aesthetics of the style of Ibn Al FujaˇŻa starting from its phonetic levels to its morphological, semantic and syntactic levels %K Belagat %K Sanat %K Estetik %K Uslupbilim %K Sarf %K Anlambilim %K Nahiv %K Fonetik %U http://dergipark.org.tr/nusha/issue/41856/476081