%0 Journal Article %T Human Resources Management and Technology in Public Institutions: A Future-Oriented Assessment %A Volkan G£¿£¿O£¿LU %A £¿pek Didem KURT %J - %D 2018 %X The management process has always been a process that affected by its environment and the conditions of the day and tries to keep up with these conditions. In this age that called as information society, human resources management has been one of the processes which are affected by the developing technology. This effect is mostly observed in private sector human resources departments. Although the human resources departments of public institutions reflect this effect in a very limited way, they are also making sorts of attempts to adapt to the rapidly developing technology. This study examines the human resources management that acquires the advancing technology as an object in historical perspective and aims to draw its picture that comes from the future. In this context, in the study, the change of human resources management from past to present is summarized and the point that human resources management reached in the information society and will be reached in the future is especially evaluated on the context of public institutions. In the conclusion of the study, some institutional and academic suggestions for the future are given a place %K £¿nsan Kaynaklar£¿ Y£¿netimi %K Teknoloji %K Kamu Kurumlar£¿ %K £¿zel Sekt£¿r %U http://dergipark.org.tr/mana/issue/42538/487424