%0 Journal Article %T SYRIAN ASYLUM SEEKERS IN TURKEY CAUSED BY SECURITY RISKS IN CITIES %A Mithat Arman KARASU %J - %D 2018 %X Some of the problems caused by the Syrian asylum seekers living in Turkey are associated with the security issue. The current authority gap in Syria causes an increase in terrorist attracts directed to Turkey. Some of the recent suicide bombers either came or trained in Syria. Syria provides an ideal environment to flourish for terrorist organizations. It is claimed that the crimes against the public order has increased because of the Syrian asylum seekers. The potential exists for Syrian asylums seekers of different ethnic identities to create certain problems in a country like Turkey that houses ethnic diversity. Malnutrition and insufficient hygiene conditions make Syrian asylum seekers a risk factor for public health and this threatens the security of the local people %K Suriye %K G£¿£¿ %K S£¿£¿£¿nmac£¿ %K M¨¹lteci %U http://dergipark.org.tr/huniibf/issue/38016/297796