%0 Journal Article %T Papillary carcinoma in thyroglossal duct cyst: A case report %A G¨¹lay £¿etin %J - %D 2019 %X Thyroglossal duct cysts (TDC) are the most common congenital neck cysts and malignancy can be seen in 1% of the cases. The most common malignant pathology of the thyroid is papillary carcinoma. Pathological examination is necessary for diagnosis and planning of the treatment. In this study, we reported a 42-year-old male patient who has a 17x15 mm diameter TDC in the midline and he was treated with transcervical excision after US-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) from the solid lesion %K Tiroglossal kanal kisti %K boyun kistleri %K papiller karsinom %U http://dergipark.org.tr/223/issue/44220/523841