%0 Journal Article %T Technology Orientation: A Reassessment and a Future Research Agenda %A Duygu Se£¿kin Hala£¿ %J - %D 2019 %X Studies on technology orientation was started in the late 1990s in the strategic marketing management literature. Although strategic orientations were all recognized as firm level cultural-based terms, technology orientation was operationalized as a functional level concept in the quantitative studies. Moreover, considering the importance of technology in the new competitive era, technology orientation was understudied comparing with other strategic orientations. Just few quantitative articles include technology orientation as a variable, while none of them focuses on the concept solely. This paper summaries and compares quantitative technology orientation studies that have been published in business related refreed journals since 1997 in terms of adopted/constructed scales for measuring TO, research design headlines, which relations are tested, and which findings were reached. The gap in the literature is determined regarding to current conceptual and empirical works. Therefore, the aim of this study is to portrait the gap in the literature regarding to current conceptual and empirical works on and propose a multidimensional construct for technology orientation %K Teknoloji oryantasyonu %K Stratejik oryantasyonlar %K £¿ok boyutlu yap£¿ £¿nerisi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/imj/issue/45658/572544