%0 Journal Article %T A CRITIQUE OF ANALYTICAL MARXISM¡¯S APPROACH TO EXPLOITATION %A Sibel K£¿BAR %J - %D 2018 %X Analytical Marxism is an Anglo-Saxon Marxist school which eliminates metaphysical components of Marxism and grounds it by analytical arguments. Important representatives of this school, Cohen, Elster and Roemer discuss Marx¡¯s concept of exploitation and oppose the definition that exploitation is simply appropriation of surplus value. Accordingly, value of a product is not determined by labor time spent on it but its equivalent in market. In this study, it is claimed that the concept of exploitation of surplus-value, core of Marx¡¯s critique against capitalism, cannot be separated from Marxism. Labor creates an amount of value but the worker cannot take his/her labors¡¯ equivalent although he/she volunteered for this appropriation by giving consent. Capitalist accumulation profits through appropriation of the surplus value. Within a capitalist system, workers have no chance other than compliance to labor contracts which presuppose seizure their surplus value. Thus, the presence of a volunteered agreement does not indicate that there is no exploitation. Exploitation of surplus value is immanent in the capitalist mode of production. Dreaming a version of capitalism exploits no one is only a repetition of the ideals of egalitarian liberalism but it is certainly against to the core of Marxism %K Analitik Marksizm %K S£¿m¨¹r¨¹ %K Art£¿-De£¿er %K Emek %K Kapitalizm %K Kapitalizm %U http://dergipark.org.tr/deusosbil/issue/36903/421585