%0 Journal Article %T THE REFLECTION OF THE PERIOD BEFORE 16TH APRIL 2017 CONSTITUTION REFERENDUM ON TURKISH PRINTED PRESS: THE EXAMPLE OF H¨¹RR£¿YET, SABAH AND S£¿ZC¨¹ NEWSPAPERS %A Hasan Ren£¿ber %A ¨¹mit ARKLAN %J - %D 2018 %X The aim of the study is to reveal the reflection of the period before 16th April 2017 Constitution Referendum on Turkish printed press. In the light of this aim, the news that were about referendum between the dates 1-15th April 2017 from three different newspapers which has the highest circulations between all the national newspapers and has different publishing policies (H¨¹rriyet, Sabah and S£¿zc¨¹) has been put to content analysis. As the results of the researches done, it has been found that the newspapers have been following a similar broadcasting policy as before, in the way they approached the news about referendum, it has been observed very clearly, by looking at how they highlighted quotes of the leaders and with the use of imagery.In this context, the ¡°Sabah¡± newspaper which is closer to the ¡°Yes¡± wing has mostly highlighted the President Recep Tayyip Erdo£¿an and Prime Minister Binali Y£¿ld£¿r£¿m while the newspaper Sozcu which is closer to the ¡°No¡± wing have cited Kemal K£¿l£¿£¿daro£¿lu, the Hurriyet newspaper, which seeks to find a balanced policy between both sides, have been observed to have mentioned both leaders and parties about the same proportions %K Referandum %K T¨¹rkiye %K yaz£¿l£¿ bas£¿n %K anayasa de£¿i£¿ikli£¿i %K demokrasi %K T¨¹rkiye %U http://dergipark.org.tr/e-gifder/issue/36507/378634