%0 Journal Article %T Traces of Animal Names in Divan¨¹ L¨¹gati¡¯t-T¨¹rk in Compilation Dictionary %A Muharrem £¿zden %J - %D 2019 %X D£¿van¨¹ L¨¹gati¡¯t-T¨¹rk written in the period of Karahanl£¿ is an important work of the Middle Turkish period. It £¿s the first known dictionary of Turkish prepared by Ka£¿garl£¿ Mahmut bin H¨¹seyin bin Muhammed, is not only a dictionary but also an encyclopaedic work. The work gives us information about the Turkish stature of the period, the differences between the Turkish of these tribes, and most importantly the vocabulary of the period. The vocabulary used by the Turkish communities, which lead a nomadic life, is naturally related to the social life they live in. At the centre of the social life of Turkish communities living in this period are animals. In this study, the traces of animal names used in D£¿van¨¹ L¨¹gati¡¯t-T¨¹rk, which is the first dictionary of Turkish language, are tried to be determined in today's Anatolian dialects. The use of the vocabulary existence belonged to middle Turkish period in Anatolian dialects will release dues related to £¿ts dominating structure during the ages %K D£¿van¨¹ L¨¹gati¡¯t-T¨¹rk %K Orta T¨¹rk£¿e D£¿nemi %K Hayvan Adlar£¿ %K S£¿zl¨¹k %K Anadolu A£¿£¿zlar£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/mjss/issue/44816/487932