%0 Journal Article %T REFLECT£¿ONS OF BRAND R£¿TUALS TO BRAND IMAGE: THE AYASOFYA HURREM SULTAN HAMAM %A H¨¹lya A. ERT¨¹RK %A Kamile ELMASO£¿LU %J - %D 2019 %X This study aims to examine the effectiveness of brand rituals as a brand component providing emotional links between brand and consumer in terms of brand image. The study has titles of ritual, brand ritual, brand image concept and its importance and the relationship between brand ritual and brand image. In this study, qualitative data analysis has been applied to the information and documents on the official website (https://www.ayasofyahamami.com/) of ¡®The Ayasofya Hurrem Sultan Hamam¡¯, which is one of the historical baths well-known and recognized around the world, determined by purposeful sampling method, between 1-30 June, 2018. In this scope, the study reaches the brand rituals such as the historical location, architectural structure, departments, social interactions, activities, tools and accessories, standard services offered, scent items, and complimentary foods and drinks of the Hamam. Study evaluates the brand rituals, which were scrutinized under certain headings of 'visual brand', 'brand voice', 'brand touch' and 'brand smell and taste', in terms of contribution to the brand image. As a result; all these services of the Hamam going beyond bathing modernize the history, tradition, and culture and offers a luxurious, exciting, and cultural experience to its guests who want to feel themselves like sultans. In addition, the atmosphere obtained by harmonizing the healing and cultural interaction creates a rich, fascinating, and attractive image that evokes luxury consumption %K Rit¨¹el %K Ayasofya H¨¹rrem Sultan Hamam£¿ %K Marka Rit¨¹eli %K Marka £¿maj£¿ %K Ayasofya H¨¹rrem Sultan Hamam£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/e-gifder/issue/44615/439852