%0 Journal Article %T Juwaini's Cevher-Araz Theory, as an Argument in Revealing the Omnipotent God Concept %A H¨¹seyin Kahraman %J - %D 2019 %X The atomic theory was put forward in the process of finding a solution to the problem of unity-multitude in the world, but the theory was laid out in such a way that it did not require an interventionist in the realm in Ancient Greece and its principles were laid accordingly. Theologians re-formulated this theory as an argument in revealing the understanding of God, which was interrelated with each particle in the universe as a requirement of religious thought. The theologians, who claim that the world can only be explained by an understanding of God, can be defended in a perfect way by the atomic theory. C¨¹veyn£¿, who has a considerable contribution to the systematization of Asharizm, claims that neither the ancient thinkers nor the Mu'taziye's atomic thought can truly reveal the notion of omnipotent God %K C¨¹veyn£¿ %K Cevher %K Araz %K Mu'tezile %K Demokritos %U http://dergipark.org.tr/marife/issue/46569/519351