%0 Journal Article %T USE OF TELEVISION IN POLITICAL COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS: INVESTIGATION OF THE ADVERTISEMENTS ON TELEVISION IN 2018 %J - %D 2019 %X Television history is considered to be the key date of changes and transformations in the history of communication. The television, which is seen as an extension of radio and cinema, has undergone technically great transformations with the technology that developed from the first years of its invention to the present. The ability of the TV to adapt easily to the developing technology has an important place in life with its ability to address different target groups, together with the different program types and contents, as well as offering opportunities to present much better quality images to the audience. cause. Therefore, television is one of the most important tools of inter-communal interaction. Because mass media does not only offer fun time to the audience with different genres and programs, it also creates cultural awareness about what to think about. The most effective means of mass communication is television. The mass media, which is widely used in the media, such as newspapers and magazines, has been replaced by radios, with the development of technology. Radio broadcasts, as an audio mass communication tool, have emerged as a turning point for the candidates to reach their target promises directly in the election campaigns. Afterwards, only seven to eight years after the rise of television broadcasts, especially after the Second World War, television campaigns were used in election campaigns. As television broadcasts were discovered by radio broadcasts prior to the issue of how effective television broadcasting campaigns were, the development of television broadcasting and technology was not only sociological, cultural and economic; it also led to developments in political communication %K Televizyon %K Siyasal £żleti£żim %K Siyasal Reklam %K Televizyon Tarihi %U http://dergipark.org.tr/trta/issue/42992/476830