%0 Journal Article %T FROM AHD-I £¿EHRIYARI TO DEVR-I HAMID-I SANI, ADVENTURE OF A CIVIL OFFICIAL ON THE WAY TO THE GOVERNORSH£¿P IN THE ERA OF ABDULHAM£¿D II %A £¿smet Sar£¿bal %J - %D 2018 %X Mehmed Naz£¿m Pasha was one of the governors of the era of Abdulhamid II. Pasha whose grandfather of the famous poet Nazim Hikmet, was a mystic poet and writer who devoted himself to Mevleviyye. In the first years of his career Pasha was in close relationship with important figures of the Young Ottomans such as Ziya Pasha and Namik Kemal. But, in the following years, the influence of the Young Ottomans decreased on the state administration. Mehmed Naz£¿m Pasha wasn¡¯t assigned to a better position than a secretary of governor, despite the experience and age. Pasha realised that should be gained the confidence of the Sultan to get a better position in the bureaucracy. Pasha succeeded to gain the sultan's confidence in a different way. He used the power of writing ability. At first he wrote "Ahd-i £¿ehriyar£¿" full of praises to the Sultan. His book was appreciated by the Sultan. Than he came to Istanbul from Aleppo and became to secretary of Commission of General Refugees. After a short time, This Comission was abolished. When Pasha realised that he would be unemployed, immediately began to wrote "Devr-i Hamid-i San£¿". He informed the Sultan about his book. He couldn¡¯t complete the book but firstly assigned to the position of ¡°mutasarrif¡± and secondly the position of governorship. In this study, Mehmed Naz£¿m Pasha¡¯s process of to be assigned to the governorship from the civil official will be evaulated %K Mehmed Naz£¿m Pa£¿a %K Ta£¿ra Y£¿netimi %K II. Abd¨¹lhamid¡¯in Valileri %U http://dergipark.org.tr/adamakademi/issue/41384/454527