%0 Journal Article %T Sherif Murtaza's Method in His Work ¡°Emali¡± %A Adnan Arslan %J - %D 2018 %X It is a well-known fact that some expressions and uses of the Qur'an are in need of the sight of the Arabian language and that Arab poetry is used as a reference from the time of companions. This interpretation, which has been conceptualized as "consultation" over time, has entered into a certain discipline since the early period. In the 4th century Hijri made a reference to Arab poetry in the light of verses and hadiths which were difficult to understand in the work of £¿erif Murtaza al-Alal£¿, one of the leading scholars of the Abbasids period. The entry of non-Arabic elements into Islam and the influences of the Arabic language on it are based on the use of poetry in particular, as a solution to the problem of understanding some of the resulting verses. This article will investigate the method of consultation by Sherif Murtaza %K £¿erif Murtaza %K Emal£¿ %K Kur¡¯an m¨¹£¿killeri %K Arap edebiyat£¿ %K £¿sti£¿hat %U http://dergipark.org.tr/marife/issue/38076/397218